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è un procedimento che punta a rimuovere l’acqua presente negli alimenti senza alterarne le proprietà chimiche e organolettiche, senza alterazioni strutturali che avvengono ad esempio con la cottura e con il congelamento

il tuo snack sano e genuino sempre
a portata di mano.
Ideale a metà mattinata o a
Bio Land Romano
in tasca.

permette di conservare a lungo grandi quantità di agrumi raccolte nei periodi di abbondanza per poterle poi utilizzare nei mesi in cui non c’è disponibilità di prodotto fresco.

Dear friends,
we tell you about our experience in the fascinating world of organic ...
Today Bio land Romano is certified by:
BioAgriCert Srl Control and Certification Body with registered reg. Bologna companies.
The organic certification is valid for 1 year so every year our company is subjected to scrupulous checks by the Certifying Body.
The latter is an external subject directly authorized by the Mi.paaf (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies) to carry out its function of "controller".
Every year they check all the agricultural activity that we have carried out so that it complies with the strict organic regulations and analyze the fruits, plants and soil to verify that there are no substances or residues of harmful substances or in any case not permitted in the bio.
My name is Andrea Patrizio Romano and I am proud to tell you that my dad, Avv. Judge Riccardo Romano, was certainly one of the precursors of the organic,
in fact in 2005 when the organic market was in an embryonic stage and nobody spoke about these issues, he bravely decided to invest in this sector, putting all his passion into it
and all his experience.
Why BIO ??
Experience confirms that organic agriculture gives:
first choice and high quality fruits, ripened in the open air and in the Calabria sun, without genetic forcing and only through the pollination of the wind and bees.
a greater quantity of nutrients and antioxidants such as sugars and vitamin C.
A cultivation in which the organic farming method is applied is very delicate and requires special care and attention. The guidance of specialized professionals and the use of large investments both in terms of care and time to devote to cultivation is absolutely necessary.
By applying the organic farming method, we establish a direct relationship with the cycle
natural plant and its well-being we get the maximum satisfaction.
Eat organic products only when plants allow us to, without forcing and
in natural ripening and harvest times.
NO pesticides! NO chemical fertilizers! NO herbicides!
How BIO products grow
The organic farming method is nothing other than respect for the environment, the land and the tree without resorting to the use of the very convenient pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
Only fertilizers and pesticides that are found in nature completely compatible with the natural cycle of plants are used. The organic cultivation process is more delicate than traditional cultivation methods and the characteristics of organic products are superior.
The first goal in organic agriculture is to fertilize the soil without the help of chemical fertilizers.
The second big goal is to eradicate the pests that attack plants without resorting to pesticides.
Among the most used fertilizers and organic fertilizers is grass. The grass is cut without
damage the roots and capillaries of the plant and then it is left on the ground to decompose.
This organic material, very rich in nourishment, is reabsorbed by the plant itself.
Also in the summer, when the delicate and very important "pruning" operation takes place in the countryside,
the cut and chopped branches become precious organic fertilizer.
In organic farming, to get 100% healthy and natural products, it is necessary to fight
against harmful pests that represent the nightmare of all farmers; such parasites do
that the plant or fruit gets sick and weakens.
As for the cultivation of citrus fruits, the cochineals and the citrus fly are to be fought.
The shielded cochineal attaches itself to organic branches and oranges and lays its eggs on it.
This dangerous parasite accelerates the ripening process of the orange with consequent decomposition of the fruit or part that has been attacked.
It is dangerous for any cultivation and is fought with sprays of mineral white oil directly on the oranges.
The oil creates a patina on the leaf and on the organic fruit which prevents the parasite from sticking.
The white mineral oil used in organic farming is natural and is harmless to all other insects that are not harmful to plants. The sale of organic citrus fruit would be compromised
if there were no natural and harmless procedures for the prosperity and well-being of the plant.
Another enemy of the cultivation of oranges is the cotton scale or Planococus Citri, a white animal that attacks the orange and completely ruins it.
In organic farming these insects are fought through the action of useful insects, necessary for its elimination. Only a cultivation that carries on the organic cultivation method uses useful insects, "friends of the plants".
Another enemy of organic cultivation is the citrus fly.
This insect, also known as the Mediterranean fly, lays its eggs on the fruit, making it mature early.
The cultivation of organic citrus fruits, not being able to use the classic chemical pesticides, uses, to combat this insect, the photochromic struggle, a system with which organic cultivation and the agricultural ecosystem are not compromised.
Photochromic fight
On each orange plant some yellow plates sprinkled with glue are attached. The citrus flies would attack the oranges and lay the eggs on them if they were not attracted to the color of the dish. Once leaning on the plate the citrus flies remain attached and therefore they are harmless to organic Calabria oranges.
We remain at your disposal to satisfy any curiosity about the world of citrus fruits.
If you pass through our areas, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to guide you on a pleasant visit to our company.
A greeting
Andrea Patrizio Romano

© 2020 - P.I. 03511210787 - Antica Azienda Agricola Bio Land Romano di Andrea Patrizio Romano - Corigliano Rossano (CS)
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